Frequently Asked Questions

What is oak wilt and what does it do to the oak tree species?

Oak wilt is caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum. It is the most destructive disease affecting live oaks and red oaks in Central Texas and specifically in the Canyon Lake area. Most of the tree mortality results from spreading through interconnected root systems. Beetles carry these spores from infected red oaks to fresh, open wounds on healthy oaks. These open wounds can be caused by wind, hail, vehicles, construction, squirrels, birds or improper pruning. 

The fungus itself does not kill the tree, but its presence causes the tree already under drought stress, to protect itself from additional stress. The reaction triggers the tree to begin to spread cells in a process called tyloses. These cells block the vascular tissue which stops the uptake of water and nutrients from the roots. This is what kills the tree.

Can I keep my oaks from getting oak wilt?

Yes, by keeping your trees healthy. Healthy trees with no stress do not react to oak wilt invasion. An unstressed tree blocks their own vascular tissue like a dam that would stop the uptake of water. In essence, healthy oak trees save themselves by not reacting to the oak wilt invasion.

How is oak wilt spread?

Oak wilt is spread by beetles that feed on sap in red oaks. The beetles can transfer oak wilt spores from an infected tree to a healthy tree. The transfer happens through fresh wounds on the tree. The other way that oak wilt can spread is through the root systems of live oaks. Oak trees have interconnected root systems so if one tree is infected with oak wilt, all trees connected through that root system are susceptible to the disease. It is noteworthy that 95% of trees that are infected by oak wilt is from root spread and not beetles.

How can I report possible oak wilt?

We are constantly investigating possible oak wilt sightings. Use this form to report any suspicious trees in or around the Canyon Lake area. We will visit the location and look at the trees and if there is a chance of oak wilt, we will work with Texas A&M Agricultural department to validate it. This information will also be shared with all of our members.

Can oak wilt be eradicated?

No. As long as there are live trees, the fungus lives on. It’s like a forest fire. As long as there is fuel to burn, the fire lives on. Oak wilt cannot be prevented but it can be mitigated to prevent the disease from wreaking devastation.

What is oak decline?

Oak decline is a complex disease that is primarily driven by stressors such as overpopulation of cedars, drought, unhealthy growth patterns, ball moss, and oak gall. These stressors are usually accompanied by secondary factors that involve insects and fungus. A tree in oak decline opens the door to oak wilt.

Can a tree with oak decline be saved?

Yes, in most cases trees with oak decline begin to improve within days of stress mitigation. See more on Oak Decline Mitigation.

How do I keep my trees healthy?

It's very simple, you mitigate the stressors through oak decline mitigation, you improve the water and nutrient intake and uptake by a root zone inoculation, and you keep the trees healthy and monitor against oak wilt and they will do the rest.

How often should you trim your trees?

Trimming trees is an aesthetic service that should only be done on healthy trees and involves the removal of dead branches. Unhealthy trees should be shaped and balanced. Shaping and balancing changes the overall growth pattern of the tree and promotes health. Once your trees are healthy, a light maintenance trim every 5-10 years is all that is needed.

What time of year should I have my trees trimmed?

In our stressed eco system, the best time is ASAP. The sooner you relieve the drought stress, the quicker and better the trees will be. The current trend of not pruning from February thru July is counterproductive to the health of the oak population in general because it delays and shortens the mitigation window each year. This equates to more trees dying to oak decline each year. If you're worried about oak wilt, it is best to get your trees healthy ASAP because healthy trees do not react to oak wilt the same as unhealthy trees.

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