Oak Wilt in the Canyon Lake Area Article 1 in the Oak Wilt Series


Oak Wilt is Killing Millions of Trees in Central, North and West Texas

Oak wilt is a debilitating disease that is killing millions of trees in Central, North and West Texas. The disease is caused by a fungus called Ceratocystis Fagacearum and affects both live and red oaks (Spanish oak, Blackjack oak and Shumard oak). Although red oaks are more susceptible to oak wilt, live oaks have interconnected root systems which cause massive spreading to adjacent trees. Oak wilt triggers the tree to release tissue as a defense mechanism to fight the disease. The tissue in turn, dams up the vascular system and disables the trees’ ability to take in water and causes certain death. According to Texas A&M Forest Service, a live oak showing oak wilt symptoms can kill a tree in 30-90 days. Red oaks with oak wilt symptoms can kill a tree in as little as 7-30 days.

Oak Wilt is Spread Both Above and Below Ground

Oak wilt is spread above and below ground. Above ground, insects transport oak wilt spores from an infected red oak tree to fresh wounds on other trees. It can also be spread when equipment is not sterilized prior to pruning. Below ground, the fungus travels from tree to tree through their interconnected root systems. It is very important to note that 95% of trees killed by the fungus are infected by the transmission of interconnected root systems and not by the spread of insects.

The Hill Country and Central Texas areas have been hard hit by this disease. In particular, oak wilt in Austin has already killed over 10,000 trees and continues to spread. Because of the rapid spread and devastation of oak wilt, early detection and mitigation is the only way to manage the disease.

There are Currently 10 Known Oak Wilt Centers in Comal County and 4 are in Canyon Lake

Comal County currently has 10 reported oak wilt centers and 4 of these centers are in our back yard. In fact, in September of 2021, Tribemania has found a new hot spot very near the Mystic Shores area. This particular hot spot has the potential to spread throughout Mystic Shores and kill thousands of trees if not mitigated.

Quick Intervention and Mitigation is Imperative to Prevent the Destruction

It is critical that quick intervention and a strong mitigation plan be put in place in order to prevent the spread and potential death of thousands of Mystic Shores assets. Once oak wilt has spread, the costs of mitigation go beyond what most homeowners can afford. The best way to get ahead of oak wilt is for communities to come together and have a solid plan in place.

The oak wilt hot spot just detected in the Mystic Shores area currently involves three different property owners. These three property owners and additional adjacent properties owners’ cooperation is needed to have the most effective mitigation plan. Knowing how quickly oak wilt spreads and kills trees, there needs to be immediate cooperation. Without community involvement and a defined mitigation plan, this will potentially spread into the more developed areas of Mystic Shores and will become more damaging and difficult to mitigate as well as much more costly.

Mitigation of Oak Wilt is like Forest Fire Mitigation Efforts

Mitigation of oak wilt is similar to mitigating a forest fire. In mitigating a forest fire, firebreaks are created in effort to have the fire burn out due to lack of fuel. A firebreak involves clearing all debris, foliage, vegetative growth, kindling, and other possible sources of fuel for a wildfire in a continuous pattern to help contain the wildfire from spreading beyond it. The most effective oak wilt mitigation efforts should follow this same technique of strategic breaks in the root spread.

There are Likely Other Undetected Active Hot Spots in the Canyon Lake Area

In addition to the Mystic Shores hot spot, there are likely other active hot spots in the Canyon Lake area that have not been detected.  Without an ongoing detection and monitoring effort, these hot spots will remain undetected and continue to spread.

I’m convinced that with our oak wilt detection, monitoring and mitigation services along with community support, Canyon Lake can wage a successful campaign against oak wilt. I am also convinced that without a viable plan and support from the community, oak wilt will continue to spread undetected throughout the Canyon Lake area, eventually killing thousands of our precious assets. 

Tribemania Tree Services has developed an Oak Wilt Monitoring Membership geared toward the early detection of oak wilt through layers of techniques involving monitoring existing hot spots, understanding spread patterns and looking for potential new hot spots. Our monitoring efforts generate maps, reports, data and other information that you as a property owner will have access to that puts your community ahead of the curve of oak wilt spreading undetected in your neighborhood. As a member, you will also have access to a private Facebook group that allows conversations to take place with neighbors and other members that want to be part of the solution, along with additional useful information on oak wilt and keeping trees healthy.

Tribemania Tree Services include:


Oak Wilt in the Canyon Lake Area Article 2 in the Oak Wilt Series - Current Protocol Is Fundamentally Flawed and It Has Become A Scam In Practice


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